11 – 12 October 2012
Organised by the group “RNA Bioinformatics and High Throughput Analysis Jena” (Prof. Dr. M. Marz), a two-day meeting entitled “Virus goes Bioinformatics” takes place on 11 and 12 October 2012.
Meeting: Virus goes Bioinformatics
The meeting starts on Thursday at 13:00 and ends Friday around 17:00.
The goal is to address specific problems in virology and to find possible bioinformatical solutions to these problems.
Thursday, 11. October 2012
13:00 Identification of emerging viruses from mammals and insects – Reconstructing history of host switching events – Christian Drosten
13:20 Establishment of a reverse genetic system for rotaviruses – Antje Rückner
13:40 Title tba – Martin Spiegel
14:00 Intraindividual noroviral evolution in chronically infected patients – Dieter Hoffmann
14:20 Ribonucleases and cis-active RNA elements involved in coronavirus replication – John Ziebuhr
Coffee Break
16:00 Predicting functional RNA structures – Ivo Hofacker
16:20 Computational Detection of Conserved RNA Secondary Structure Elements in RNA Virus Genomes – Peter Stadler
16:40 mRNA structure and its role in the evolution of viral genes – Dmitrij Frishman
17:00 Estimating viral genetic diversity from next-generation sequencing data – Armin Töpfer
17:20 Learning about RNA viruses by applying comparative genomics – Alexander Gorbalenya
17:40 Summary – Manja Marz
Dinner, collection, and discussion of ideas
Friday, 12. October 2012
09:30 Currents and needs in viral bioinformatics – White paper
12:00 Lunch Break
13:30 Currents and needs in viral bioinformatics – White paper
17:00 The End
The venue is Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3, seminar room 306. To make it easier to find this room, we meet Thursday 12:30 in the ground-floor Ernst-Abbe-Campus, entrance Ernst-Abbe-Platz, near the cafeteria.