International Workshop 2010: “Systems Biology for Industry”

The International Workshop 2010: “Systems Biology for Industry: Dynamics and regulation of the metabolic balance in Escherichia coli” will be held on 7-8 October 2010 in Jena.

This Workshop will be the 8th in a series of annual International Workshops held in Jena and organised by the research group “Systems Biology/Bioinformatics” at the HKI. It is dedicated to the dynamic modelling of the overflow metabolism of Escherichia coli that limits both biomass yield and the quality of biotechnologically important products. The quantitative modelling of the regulation of metabolic fluxes around the pyruvate node, in particular the minimisation of by-product formation is a pre-requisite for optimising recombinant protein production by E. coli. The workshop is part of our FORSYS-partner project “Dynamics and regulation of the metabolic balance in Escherichia coli” and will bring together the partners from academia and partners from the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry.

Contact: reinhard.guthke [at]